No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

In another shining example that no good deed goes unpunished, Connie Gibbs was killed at an auto dealership after she fell and was hit by a van being driven on the dealership lot. She served for 14 years as the director of the Posey County Red Cross chapter, and her…

XBox 360-O-Rama

Tuesday, The Wife had a doctor’s appointment. I work for a good company that allows me to take time off to be with my family, so, I went with her. After her doctor’s appointment, we went to Target to fill a prescription and get some odds and ends.…

Zogby political survey questions

It’s Saturday, and The Wife and I have agreed that this will be a “do nothing” weekend… meaning, we’re going to do fun things we want that doesn’t require us to leave the house. For my part, I plan on settling in behind the computer here with…

My thoughts on the State of the Union address.

I am a registered Democrat, but, I’m not a party loyalist. I think for myself, and I make decisions for myself. I think they should remove the “Vote all Republican” and “Vote all Democrat” options from voting ballots. But, I find that my values, more often than not, align…

Site Wonkyness: php5 module update breaks dynamic site

So, I logged on today and happened to visit my own site, and realised that it had completely went wonky. At first glance, it looked like the database had crapped on itself. There were only two blog entries appearing on the homepage, all of the archives were gone, and even…

Tidbits for the day

Holy crap, where has the time gone? It’s suddenly the end of January. I’ve basically lost a month and a half here. So, first off… happy new year. Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about something interesting. Some more highlights and thoughts…

John Spencer: 1946-2005

![John Spencer](/content/images/2005/12/johnspencer.jpg "John Spencer")John Spencer died of a heart attack on Friday. He was 58. He has played one of my favorite characters on The West Wing since it came on the air. His character, Leo McGarey, was being set up…