Holly picked up some four packs of two strange Jones Sodas in little cans last time we went to Target. This is a “review” of the Candy Corn and Carmel Apple flavored sodas. Click the photos for bigger versions. First, the Candy Corn…
[![Soda Can](/content/irg/content/images/2005/09/PA090590-2.jpg) [![Another Can Picture]
rg/content/images/2005/09/PA090592-2.jpg) [![Jones Candy Corn Sod
They use using the 8 oz baby cans that everyone finds so adorable. It appears they have made these exclusively for Target. The photo is a little yellow overall, but as you can see, the liquid is a very unique yellow. One of the reviews linked from the Jones website describes it as “capable of blinding every living creature within three miles of it.” Holding the glass to the nose, you get a very thick sugar candy smell. As you taste it, the carbonation is very light. And, like the name says, it tastes like candy corn. As Holly and I drink it, we notice that the inside of the glass is coated with a film of yellow liquid. It is a very thick (for a soda) drink, which lends to it’s exquisite feel. The yellow coats the glass and after rinsing the glass with hot water and soap, I found the white paper towel I was using had a light yellow tone to it. I would be very afraid of this soda touching any piece of clothing, as it will undoubtedly stain. As you drink it, you feel yourself gaining weight. The 8 ounce can is rated as one serving at 130 calories, 65mg Sodium (2% US RDA) and 32 grams of carbs, all from sugar. Definitely five stars (out of five) for uniqueness, however, overall it only gets a 3.
Next up is the Carmel Apple:
[![Carmel Apple Can](/crg/content/images/2005/09/PA090594-1.jpg) [![Carmel Apple Can 2](
rg/content/images/2005/09/PA090595-1.jpg) [![Carmel Apple Soda in
It looks like apple juice. It smells like apple juice. It tastes like carbonated apple juice, but with something different. Oh, wait, that’s supposed to be carmel flavoring! As the soda started to warm up, the carmel smell started to come out a bit more. Holly liked this one a lot. It’s something you can drink and enjoy regularly, whereas the Candy Corn would make you ill. It’s also less bad for you with 120 calories per 8 ounces, 50mg of sodium, and 31g of carbs, 30g from sugars.Thumbs up. Four stars.
Jones Soda Limited Edition Flavors for more information from the maker.