Night at the derby...

Tonight we went to the Naptown Roller Girls double-header with Milwaulkee. It was the first derby we’d been to see Naptown Girls, but not our first derby. When we were living in New Jersey, we went and saw Gotham Girls and Baltimore. The atmosphere between the two events were…

Answering away

[![1578470569](]( said he could only to to 11:30. All the ushers have to get to bed I guess.…

View from the seats at Red State screening


New PGP Key

If you don’t understand what this means, don’t worry and just ignore it. 🙂 I’ve started to use a new PGP/GPG key for a multitude of reasons. It can be found in the link below. Here’s a signed text file explaining it a bit. If you…

Passover Coke and Pepsi Throwback

Here in the central part of New Jersey this year, Kosher for Passover Pepsi was abundant while Coke was even more scarce than last year. I am not Jewish so I cannot profess to be an expert on this matter, but this is my understanding: During Passover, Jewish law states…