Lack of posts

[![](]( "photo sharing") [106 days Uptime]( Originally uploaded by jeversol. Life has been hectic recently, therefore I haven’t had time to update recently.…

Review: "Just A Geek"

![]( ![](/mt/mt-static//plugins/mmanager/images/stars-5-0.gif)Just a Geekby Wil WheatonI am not really a book person, but, I’m trying. I used to read a lot when I was a child. I learned how to read at…

Moving into a new role

So, I am making a role change at work. I’ve accepted a new position, moving up in title and “career band” from a support role to a specialist role. I’ll stop working on laboratory infrastructure (Windows-based PCs in a lab environment controlling lab instruments) to supporting enterprise storage…

Knowledgeable Staff Only

[![](]( "photo sharing") [Knowledgeable Staff Only]( Originally uploaded by jeversol. I saw this photo today on the door at the back of a Christmas…

Pornified = Preaching

![]( ![](/mt/mt-static//plugins/mmanager/images/stars-2-0.gif)Pornified : How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Familiesby Pamela PaulI got this book after seeing it reviewed on Slashdot. Seemed interesting. I’m a sociology buff so this…

Trading DVD's with Peerflix

Peerflix is an online service that lets you trade DVDs you own with other people. It works by a ratio system of sorts. Every movie they offer is given a “PeerBuxâ€� score, from 1 for crappy old movies, 2 for normal movies, and 3 for new release movies. Box…

Desktop Screenshot

I finally decided to make my desktop my own, after forever and a day of having standard everythings. I’m not usually one to have awesome looking desktops, but I think I did good. Here is a screen capture of my current desktop. Click for a larger version [ The picture…

Coffee Snobbery

I have always been a coffee snob since I started drinking coffee. Hell, I find I am a snob with anything I pick up to an extent. I like Starbucks coffee and won’t drink Folgers. I like The Republic of Tea teas and won’t drink Liptons. I like…